Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wednesday? It certainly didn't feel like one

Driving to school this morning was SO scary.  First of all, my driveway (which is long, narrow, winding, and downhill) was literally covered in a film of black ice.  Which was awesome, because I made it to the road fine, but then I realized that every road surface was essentially drenched in KY.  About halfway to school there was this big slowdown and there was a serious 7-car accident on a fairly busy two-lane road.  Yikes.  Naturally I had to capture some video. 

Ouch.  Well it got warmer during the day, and when I went to my car 9th period to drive to Ewing before Les Mis rehearsal, I noticed it was the first time all winter that my car was actually warmer than the outside air.  Anyhow, I was headed to Ewing to pick up one of my beautiful mixing reference speakers that I've been waiting since November to have repaired.  I was really impressed with myself as I showed up without my invoice and without enough money in my checking account to even purchase the damn thing.  So I had to drive really fast to the bank and transfer money (which is becoming SO scarce even after a full summer of working three jobs) before I could take it back home and blast some nice new music.  I guess it's worth it.  It looks really nice.

Still a lot to worry about scholarship- and Les Mis-wise.  Hopefully procrastinating won't get the best of me.  I feel like there's quite a lot on my plate.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Well, I don't have that much to say, yet.  I'm writing this just prior to going to bed, so hopefully one can imagine my impatience while typing this when I've got a warm comfy bed staring at me.  But right now, I'm still in the thick of senior year, just before midterms, as my classwork starts catching up to me.  My girlfriend's in London and will be until mid-April, and you can read her blog about her amazing experiences here.  Anyway, not that I think that blogging's that awesome (and frankly having a pointless one like this is kinda evidence of a big ego), but I'm just trying to see if I can record the memories I experience in my last six months of public school and the last eight months living in Titusville, where I've lived for the past 12 years.  I'm going to NYU in the fall, and I know that as soon as I leave Titusville my world will be changed completely and I'm sure it'll never be the same.  That's what this blog is for: to showcase (for posterity) what's going on in my young mind, with my friends, in Hopewell Township, before I leave this place for good.